Friday 10 February 2012

Ok so the other day I got a little stoned, and I started thinking about new ideas. Some a little more fucked up then others.

1) Pure madness pure defiance. The story will have a lot of twists a kind of who's done it. The world goes in to chaos, when a blogger starts a blog stating, ''I will crush the queen on a certain date and time''. Who is the mystery blogger, who threatens to kill the queen of England.

Also I've been thinking about my assignments and dissertation, and rely have decided to go against the conventional methods and work on a idea I was told I couldn't rely do.

My next was thinking about money. And how to a lot that is the meaning of life. Money is the main objective and through this inequalities are born. As we know we live in a materialistic world, so without money you can not ave the best things.

Then I thought how is money created, having a business, do you need an education to achieve this yes and no, yes you need some kind f education (basic) but you don't need grades but it helps. Look at all of the people that have become successful but failed school.

Alan Sugar
Bill Gates
Richard Branson
Jamie Oliver

Education isn't the key determination and self confidence is. making money is simple and easy and I will start a social experiment that shows how. I will learn you to get Rich.

Has you can see a little stoned, then my mind worked a bit over time, and I threw myself into a panic attack, but I soon brought myself round, and the thoughts continued.

I come up with a quote

'' There is no point Preaching to kids, that you can't preach to''
The Establishment don't like this, they don't like us to have our own mind, they don't like us to think.
So what do you do with undistructive kids, Well Micheal Gove's plan is to bring in the Army. Lets get the kids back under control and make them obedient.

The education system is failing.

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